Monday, April 8, 2013

MSP: Week 3

As a team, my group began to look up many different organizations to see which ones could fit our cause better. I feel like each week begins to get tougher as it goes. This week we're looking to narrow down on some organizations to donate to but sometimes it gets hard because they have a lot to offer.

We got to learn a little more today in class to narrow down our choices. We learned that by figuring out the income tax of each organization it becomes a lot easier to decide on helping out the organization or not.

Looking at the tax returns is important because then you could tell much easier if these organizations are worth investing in and if they use their money wisely.

MSP: Week 2

This week for MSP we were instructed to bring in a paper bag with three things that represented something valuable in our lives. I thought it was a great idea so that way we could get to learn a little more about the people in our groups. One of my group members Ai Ping brought a rosary, it meant a lot to her because one of her good friends had gave it to her. Another group member Jesus brought in his headphones because he loves music. And my last group member Karina brought in a charm bracelet, each one represented something she liked. I on the other hand decided to bring in a picture of my family because they are very important to me. Over all I liked getting to share what many of us brought to class and getting to share about it.

It was interesting having to come up with our Purpose, Vision, and Mission Statement. We all had our own opinions on our topic, but we still came up with something all together. We want to focus on the wellness of children who are in foster care programs with no other fit family members to care for them. Also one of our team members is more focused on wanting children to be fed properly or for them to have what they need to maintain a healthy life style.

I think we'll get to learn a lot about different non-profit organizations as we research them. We might find it difficult at first but hopefully my group and I can handle it. I hope we find some great organizations to help our cause.